Home is Where the Art Is Series 1

Speaker: Sharona Spitzer

Join a 2 session intermediate level workshop to create a piece of artwork that will elevate and uplift your home. Enjoy learning new skills or simply relax and have some fun. One piece will be acrylic paint on canvas, and the second will be hand-embellishing a calligraphy print of Birchas HaBayis.

Megilas Rus: From the fields of מואב to אמא של מלכות

Speaker: Mrs. Devora Koenig

Through the lense of both classic and contemporary sources – we will learn מגילת רות together and follow רות on her journey from the fields of מואב to earning the elevated title of אמא של מלכות . Our class will highlight the many relevant and inspiring aspects of this timeless ספר whose impact as a […]


Parsha On The Go

Between ערב שבת errands – A quick and insightful weekly Parsha boost
