Art Class III is a 2 part series, 11/26 & 11/27 Art supplies can be purchased for $35 at The Space
Art Class III is a 2 part series, 11/26 & 11/27 Art supplies can be purchased for $35 at The Space
Focus on avoidant attachment with Kayin and Yonah, highlighting themes of self-reliance
Motzei Shabbos Dance Class for 5th and 6th grade girls with Ayala Prero and Devora Glick
The original POUND workout, this 45-minute electrifying jam session combines cardio, strength training and plyometrics–all to your favorite soundtrack.
Exploring the following topics: •Tachlis Habriya •Body and Soul •Kedusha
One woman’s magnificent journey: a journey filled with twists and turns. A journey that ultimately led her to Hashem. A journey that is inspiring and life changing.