Sukkos: Our Cosmic Hug
Speaker: Chani Juravel
Hallel & Inspiration hosted by Baila Frankel & Miriam Weinberg Guest Speaker Mrs. Rochel Weinstein
11/5 Kedushas Shabbos: The Halachos of Making Shabbos Special 11/12 Bishul Part I: Heating & Reheating 11/19 Practical Applications of Borer, Tochein, Lash, and Koseiv 11/26 Ripping, Cutting, and Building […]
Exploring the following topics: •Tachlis Habriya •Body and Soul •Kedusha
11/5 Kedushas Shabbos: The Halachos of Making Shabbos Special 11/12 Bishul Part I: Heating & Reheating 11/19 Practical Applications of Borer, Tochein, Lash, and Koseiv 11/26 Ripping, Cutting, and Building […]
Exploring the following topics: •Tachlis Habriya •Body and Soul •Kedusha