Hallel & Inspiration hosted by Baila Frankel & Miriam Weinberg Guest Speaker Mrs. Rochel Weinstein
The original POUND workout, this 45-minute electrifying jam session combines cardio, strength training and plyometrics–all to your favorite soundtrack.
11/5 Kedushas Shabbos: The Halachos of Making Shabbos Special 11/12 Bishul Part I: Heating & Reheating 11/19 Practical Applications of Borer, Tochein, Lash, and Koseiv 11/26 Ripping, Cutting, and Building […]
Art Class I is a 2 part series, 11/5 & 11/6 Art supplies can be purchased for $35 at The Space
Art Class I is a 2 part series, 11/5 & 11/6 Art supplies can be purchased for $35 at The Space
Devekus (closeness to Hashem): offering a deep dive into how these themes are reflected in the Torah
Motzei Shabbos Dance Class for 5th and 6th grade girls with Ayala Prero and Devora Glick